Wednesday 20 July 2011

Top 20 Twitter feeds for Wannabe PRs

As many of you will already know I am on a (currently unsuccessful) quest to land myself a job in PR. I recently wrote a post about how I have been using Twitter to network, engage, and secure interviews — and at some incredible companies too!

Something I neglected to mention properly during that blog post was regarding Twitter's other benefit: information. What we are so lucky to have access to is, quite simply, the world of PR at our fingertips. You don't need someone on the inside to be able to keep up with what is going on in the world of PR. With The CIPR Conversation, the many blogs out there (a few of which can be found to the right of this post), and the constant stream of Tweets all divulging information, opinion, debate, changes, and trends within the industry, we as career-seekers can be as informed as the most seasoned pro. But, only if you know where to look.

I decided to compile a list of the best Twitter feeds for wannabe PRs to follow as they continue the difficult task of securing their dream job. There are a plethora of 'top PRs to follow', 'top journalists to follow in ', and variations thereon, but from what I can ascertain this is the first list specifically for people wanting to break into PR — yes, I am making my own life difficult by sharing this information with "rivals", but share and share a like and all that.

I should stress that this list is a work in progress and I strongly encourage input from anyone and everyone who knows something this list would benefit from having added.

In no particular order:

1 - MediaComUK Publisher of the MediaComUK Daily, this is a great feed that condenses many of the major stories and information into one 'paper'. Tweeted daily without fail this is a reliable and informative feed to follow.

2 - Bill Stoller Essentially this is a relentless stream of useful articles and tips from social media to writing great copy. Very handy for keeping track of the basics.

3 - Steve Rubel Another feed of useful tips and articles on how to improve and in what ways. Also a reliable re-tweeter for insightful content.

4 - Brandon Hill Comms I follow a great many PR companies from all over the country, but if I had to single out one as being incredibly useful in this capacity it would be BHC. Their feed is awash with tips, tricks, information, suggestions, comment, debate, stats and everything else. They're also exceptionally polite and you'll always get a thank you for a RT and a reply if you @mention them — sometimes it's the little things. The reason I find them so brilliant is that their feed is only courtesy and content, they aren't too concerned with hyping themselves up with 'we just won this' etc. that other companies can sometimes do too much.

5 - PR Week News Rather does what it says on the tin. News from PR and reliable RT of great content.

6 - David Kirk Another one of these feeds of relentless tips and tricks. Very useful stuff despite its American origin.

7 - Brian Solis Yet another source of tips.

8 - Mexia Communications Another company akin to Brandon Hill Comms who share content, opinion, stats and info with little else around it to distract or dilute.

9 - CIPR Though regional feeds are just as important, the CIPR feed is definitely one to add to your follows. Need I justify this?

10 - The PR Moment Sharing information, discussing, debating, RTing, commenting, and everything else useful.

11 - Heather Yaxley Extremely interesting blog writer, educator in PR who seems to answer a wealth of questions every day. Definitely worth a follow even if you have nothing to ask yourself, you'll no doubt learn something you didn't think you didn't know.

12 - Wannabe Hacks They're the wannabes from the other side of the coin. The reason they get an inclusion here is because their website is an innovative and insightful look at the journalism industry from those who will one day (possibly) come to shape it. Following the discussions, opinions, and information will perhaps one day prove vital when you're selling in a piece to the journalist you were once a wannabe with. Also, they provide an unbiased and condensed look at the journalism world few other websites do.

13 - Sharon Chan As mentioned in a previous post, Sharon is a PR mentor who has been hugely influential for me. She shares great content of her own and of other peoples and is well worth keeping an eye on for digital comms information.

14 - Rich Leigh (GoodandBadPR) Sometimes inspiring, sometimes cringeworthy, Rich Leigh of Good and Bad PR shares the PR stories that have the world of Public Relations talking. A real lesson in how to do it and how not to do it when you finally get that job.

15 - Sarah Stimson Editor of esPResso and course director for the Taylor Bennett Foundation, Sarah Stimson is a feed to follow for any wannabe as she shares content for the many interns she interacts with.

16 - The PR Pearl As with Rich Leigh, The PR Pearl shares the stories that have the PR world talking. Well worth a follow, they also RT your interesting and insightful stuff regardless of your position in the industry.

17 - Kindred Agency Along with Mexia Comms and Brandon Hill Comms, Kindred are an agency that share impartial information that isn't lost in tweets about other things. Concise and helpful, well worth following.

18 - Paul Armstrong Great guy to follow for anything digital as he knows his stuff. His blog is particularly insightful and his tweets tend to follow the same course.

19 - The PR Academy Another feed that shares debate and comment on the world of PR.

20 - Hugo the Office Dog With so many things to cover, places to look, people to contact, emails to write, CVs to polish, and smiles to put on, the job hunt can get incredibly deflating. Hugo is the office dog at 10Yetis and all round funny pooch. Expect a canine-insight into the banter of the agency office that will make you smile when inside you feel more like crying. The saviour of the wannabe PR.

This list is a work in progress, please leave comments with any feeds I have missed or haven't come across yet. Alternatively tweet me @JGOBunting and let me know to add something more.

I hope this list proves as useful to you as it has been for me and I'll see you in the boardroom next decade! #bigdreams

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